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Mosquito Fighting Flora

With the summer heat and rainy season upon us, so will come a pesky pest: the mosquito. These annoying insects not only ruin a backyard BBQ, bonfire or beach day but they pose a big health risk. They potentially carry dangerous diseases and force us to lather on the bug spray. Unfortunately, many of these sprays contain harmful chemicals that are toxic to us and the environment. Your skin is your largest organ, whatever goes on, also goes in.

I get it, bug spray keeps us sane, but there are additional practices we can adopt to keep these uninvited guests away.

One of my favorite methods is by introducing mosquito deterring plants inside and outside your home. Planting greenery to act as a multi-purpose just feels so good. You give to the earth, and the earth gives back to you. One day may we all live in a symbiotic world...a girl can dream.

Here’s a few of these helpful greenlings:


Indoors or outdoors

Full sun, humid conditions

Well drained, moist soil

*Also repels flies


Indoors or outdoors

About 6 hours of sunlight

Well drained, moist soil

*Also repels flies

Lemon Balm


Full sun, but will thrive in partial shade

Well drained, water regularly

*Also repels fleas



Full sun

Well drained, moist soil

*Also repels whiteflies


Indoors or outdoors

About 6 hours of sunlight

Well drained, moist soil

*Also repels flies



Indoors or outdoors

Full sun

Damp soil

*Also repels spiders


Prefers outdoors

Full sun

Well drained soil, water regularly

*Also repels termites and cockroaches


Prefers outdoors

Full sun

Well drained soil

*Also repels moths, fleas, flies, spider

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